Deuteronomy 1, Isaiah 60, 1 Corinthians 2

Read Deuteronomy 1, Isaiah 60, 1 Corinthians 2 today.

This devotional is about 1 Corinthians 2.

According to 1 Corinthians 1, the gospel sounds like total nonsense to those who don’t know Jesus (1:18). That doesn’t mean, however, that it actually is nonsense. In reality, it is a message of great wisdom to those who are mature (v. 6) but not because we reasoned and thought our way to that wisdom. No, it is wisdom that was hidden from most people but now revealed to us by the grace of God (vv. 7-8).

Through this revelation given to us in the gospel, we learned about all that God has done for us in Christ (vv. 9-10) but only after the Holy Spirit went to work on our minds and hearts (vv. 10-12). The focus of this chapter is the Holy Spirit and what he did to us in order to make us receptive to the gospel (vv. 10-16).

Churches that are non-charismatic, like ours, our sometimes skittish about the Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that he is God but get concerned when believers pray to him or talk about him.

Don’t be concerned.

Your spiritual life is a gift from the Holy Spirit of God and you don’t need to do any miracles to see him working in your life. The discernment you have about good and evil, wisdom and foolishness, what is spiritual and what is sinful comes from the Holy Spirit and his work in your life. So, thank him for his work in your life and ask him to keep working on you, in you, and through you to draw you closer to Christ.