Read Genesis 9-10, Ezra 9, and Matthew 7.
This devotional is about Matthew 7, particularly verses 24-27.
As Jesus concluded his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7, he left us with a memorable image. Two homes were built. One was built on a rock foundation, the other was built on sand.
Both homes were beaten by rough weather.
The one founded on the rock remained; the one with a sandy foundation was not only damaged; it was completely destroyed.
Each house corresponds to a type of person. Both types of people heard the message of Jesus. It was not a question of ignorance versus knowledge. Both had the knowledge they needed.
No, the difference is that one type of person “hears these words of mine and puts them into practice.” The other type of person hears the words, too, but never acts in obedience to them.
We need to be continually reminded of this warning because we deceive ourselves into thinking that knowledge is enough. If we know God’s word, we think our lives will be rock solid. Temptations may come, trials may blow, but knowing God’s word will carry us through, right?
We often succumb to temptation or lose our way in trials because we have not obeyed God’s word. Obedience to God’s word is what builds a stable life. Knowledge is important, but not enough.
Is there an area (or more than one) in your life where you are living disobdiently to God’s word? I mean a situation where you know what the right thing to do is but you won’t do it.
And day after day after day you keep choosing to do wrong or, at least, you keep choosing not to do right.
If so, please realize that you are building your life on an inadequate, unstable foundation. When life gets rough, your house will collapse.
Jesus said so.
Be wise and change your mind and your ways today.