Read Leviticus 26, Isaiah 24, and Acts 9.
This devotional is about Leviticus 26.
Great blessings continued to be promised here in Leviticus 26. If only Israel had believed God (vv. 1-3), they would have:
- abundant rain in season yielding fruitful harvests (v. 4).
- a consistent supply of food (vv. 5, 10).
- peace and security from wild animals and invading armies (v. 6)
- military victory if war did break out (vv. 7-8)
- growing population base (v. 9)
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: fellowship with God, who would live among them (vv. 11-13).
Following those positive promises were promises that there would be consequences if they disobeyed God’s word (vv. 14-39). This is what Israel actually got, for the most part, because they disobeyed God.
But notice that God described these consequences in verse 23 as “my correction” and he said that the purpose of these punishments was to “break down your stubborn pride.” This is what God does for those he loves. He blesses us when we follow him in obedience and he brings correction, painful though it may be, to humble us and teach us to follow him.
Here in the church age, God’s blessings to us are not necessarily the material prosperity he promised to Israel. We will enjoy that when his kingdom comes to earth, but that is not always his will for his elect in this age.
We can, however, enjoy God’s fellowship (vv. 11-13) in this life while we wait for the kingdom to fulfill all the other promises he made. We can also enjoy the conviction that God will not forsake us when we sin against him but that his correction is designed to humble us and to turn our hearts in confession and repentance to him.
How is this working out in your walk with God these days? Are you enjoying the comfort of his fellowship even if you may be experiencing some trials? Or are you stubbornly living in disobedience and, maybe, experiencing his correction in your life? If you are walking with God and not harboring any sin, then keep going. Don’t allow the lies that sin tells us to rob you of the blessings of God’s fellowship.
If you need to repent, though, claim God’s promised forgiveness and have your walk with him restored.