Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Numbers 1, Ecclesiastes 11, and Psalm 114. This devotional is about Ecclesiastes 11. The longer I live, the harder it is for me to understand why God allows what he allows and does what he does. Solomon learned that, too. In verse 5 he wrote, […]
Leviticus 9, Proverbs 24, Psalm 96
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Leviticus 9, Proverbs 24, Psalm 96. This devotional is from Proverbs 24. It is tempting to choose the most comfortable option. Today’s reading gives us two Proverbs that caution us against this easy choice. The first proverb is 24:27: “Put your outdoor work in order and […]
Exodus 30, Proverbs 6, Psalm 78
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Exodus 30, Proverbs 6, and Psalm 78. This devotional is about Proverbs 6:6-11. Ants are disgusting creatures who have no business being in my house. That said, they are remarkable workers. There are some time-lapse videos on the Internet that show how hard they work […]