Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 9-10, Ezra 9, and Matthew 7. This devotional is about Matthew 7, particularly verses 24-27. As Jesus concluded his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7, he left us with a memorable image. Two homes were built. One was built on a rock foundation, […]
Genesis 7, Ezra 7, Proverbs 1:1-19
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 7, Ezra 7, and Proverbs 1:1-19. This devotional is about Ezra 7. Isn’t it interesting that this book of the Bible is named after someone who doesn’t appear until chapter 7? And, the book of Ezra only has 10 chapters, so the man Ezra […]
Genesis 4, Ezra 4, Matthew 4
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 4, Ezra 4, and Matthew 4. This devotional is about Matthew 4, especially verses 1-11. Having been identified by God as His Son in Matthew 3:17, Jesus was sent by the Holy Spirit into the desert. The purpose of this trip was, according to verse […]
Genesis 3, Ezra 3, Matthew 3
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 3, Ezra 3, and Matthew 3. This devotional is about Ezra 3. The book of Ezra describes events late in the chronology of the Old Testament. God’s people, Israel and Judah, had been exiled from the promised land. After 70 years in captivity first […]
2 Chronicles 35, Malachi 3
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read 2 Chronicles 35 and Malachi 3. This devotional is about 2 Chronicles 35. Josiah was the last great king of Judah and he ruled for a long time–over 30 years. During his reign the idolatry that plagued both Israel and Judah for generations gave way, officially […]
2 Chronicles 34, Malachi 2
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read 2 Chronicles 34 and Malachi 2. This devotional is about 2 Chronicles 34. According to verse 1, Josiah was eight years old when he became king, When he was sixteen years old (v. 3: “In the eighth year of his reign, while he was still […]
2 Chronicles 30, Zechariah 12:1-13:1
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read 2 Chronicles 30 and Zechariah 12:1-13:1. This devotional is about 2 Chronicles 30. The revival and reformation in Judah that we read about yesterday continued in this chapter. The new aspect of this revival was a desire to celebrate the Passover which we read about […]
2 Chronicles 29, Zechariah 11
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read 2 Chronicles 29 and Zechariah 11. This devotional is about 2 Chronicles 29. Unlike the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Judah had some kings who served God–eight of them (out of 20) to be exact. The degree to which they served God, however, varied widely from one […]
2 Chronicles 18, Zechariah 3
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read 2 Chronicles 18 and Zechariah 3. This devotional is about 2 Chronicles 18. “Counseling should be encouraging” a man said to me years ago. It was his justification for ending weekly sessions of marriage counseling I’d arranged for him and his wife with a Christian counselor […]
2 Chronicles 17, Zechariah 2
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read 2 Chronicles 17 and Zechariah 2. This devotional is about 2 Chronicles 17. The kings of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were all evil in God’s sight. The kings of Judah were a mixed bag. After the kingdom divided, Judah had twenty kings; eight of them […]