Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 14, Nehemiah 3, and Psalms 4-5. This devotional is about Psalm 5. In Psalm 5, David cried out to the Lord for help and waited “expectantly” for the Lord to answer (vv. 1-3). His reason for expecting the Lord to answer his prayer was […]
Genesis 13, Nehemiah 2, Proverbs 1:20-33
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 13, Nehemiah 2, and Proverbs 1:20-33. This devotional is about Proverbs 1:20-33. Personification is a style of writing that describes an idea as if it were a person. Here in Proverbs 1:20-33, Solomon used personification to describe wisdom as if it were a woman. One […]
Genesis 12, Nehemiah 1, Matthew 9
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 12, Nehemiah 1, and Matthew 9. This devotional is about Nehemiah 1. The last sentence we read in Nehemiah 1 was, “I was cupbearer to the king.” This sentence is a key piece of information for understanding what is happening in this passage of […]
Genesis 11, Ezra 10, Matthew 8
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 11, Ezra 10, and Matthew 8. This devotional is about Genesis 11. The flood was over and back in Genesis 9 God renewed his original covenant with humanity. God had told Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and […]
Genesis 9-10, Ezra 9, Matthew 7
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 9-10, Ezra 9, and Matthew 7. This devotional is about Matthew 7, particularly verses 24-27. As Jesus concluded his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7, he left us with a memorable image. Two homes were built. One was built on a rock foundation, […]
Genesis 8, Ezra 8, Matthew 6
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 8, Ezra 8, Matthew 6. This devotional is about Matthew 6. We all care what other people think of us. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It keeps us from all kinds of obnoxious, antisocial behavior, like ignoring appointments we made or showing […]
Genesis 7, Ezra 7, Proverbs 1:1-19
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 7, Ezra 7, and Proverbs 1:1-19. This devotional is about Ezra 7. Isn’t it interesting that this book of the Bible is named after someone who doesn’t appear until chapter 7? And, the book of Ezra only has 10 chapters, so the man Ezra […]
Genesis 5, Ezra 5, Matthew 5
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 5, Ezra 5, and Matthew 5. This devotional is about Matthew 5:1-12. Matthew chapters 5-7 record what has been called the Sermon on the Mount. Christ’s sermon begins with “The Beatitudes.” The word “beatitude” is transliterated into English from the Latin word that begins each […]
Genesis 3, Ezra 3, Matthew 3
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 3, Ezra 3, and Matthew 3. This devotional is about Ezra 3. The book of Ezra describes events late in the chronology of the Old Testament. God’s people, Israel and Judah, had been exiled from the promised land. After 70 years in captivity first […]
Genesis 2, Ezra 2, Matthew 2
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 2, Ezra 2, Matthew 2. This devotional is about Matthew 2. From the beginning of his life Jesus was met with extreme mixed reactions. He was born in Bethlehem, a town famous for being the hometown of David but with nothing else admirable or prestigious […]