Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Numbers 30, Isaiah 22, and Psalm 135. This devotional is about Isaiah 22. Isaiah 22 is a prophecy against Judah and, more specifically, Jerusalem, Judah’s capital city. Isaiah refered to this area as “the valley of vision” which is a tough expression to interpret. It is […]
Exodus 27, Proverbs 3, Psalm 75
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Exodus 27, Proverbs 3, Psalm 75. This devotional is about Psalm 75 This Psalm, and tomorrow’s reading from Psalm 76, both sing praises to God for his sovereign justice. As his chosen people, Israel praised God for his favor to them (75:1). In verses 2-10 […]
Genesis 15, Nehemiah 4, Psalm 14
Read Genesis 15, Nehemiah 4, and Psalm 14. This devotional is about Nehemiah 4. Nehemiah lived and led Jerusalem as a civic leader at the same time that Ezra was leading the people spiritually. As we read the book of Ezra, we saw how the temple was rebuilt, worship was reinstated, and God’s word was […]
Genesis 6, Ezra 6, Psalm 6
Read Genesis 6, Ezra 6, and Psalm 6. This devotional is about Genesis 6. I don’t think that a greater contrast could exist between Noah and the rest of the world around him. Noah “was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God” (v. 9b) while the […]