Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 32, Esther 8, and Matthew 23. This devotional is about Matthew 23. This chapter continues the teachings of Jesus during the Passion Week–the last week of his life before the crucifixion. The vast majority of this chapter prophesies against the Pharisees for the many […]
Genesis 25, Esther 1, Matthew 18
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Genesis 25, Esther 1, and Matthew 18. The devotional below is about Genesis 25. Death comes as a shock to most people. Trust me; as a pastor, I’m often one of the first people to find out about someone’s death. Even though the person who […]
Deuteronomy 11, Isaiah 39
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Deuteronomy 11 and Isaiah 39. This devotional touches on both Deuteronomy 11 and Isaiah 39. In Isaiah 39 a delegation from Babylon came to visit Hezekiah. Their mission was was peaceful and was designed to create goodwill between the two nations (v. 1). Hezekiah was eager […]
Leviticus 23, Ecclesiastes 6, Psalm 109
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Leviticus 23, Ecclesiastes 6, and Psalm 109. This devotional is about Ecclesiastes 6. This lifetime on earth offers us some incredible experiences. If life goes well, a person will be born into a loving family, have everything he or she needs to live, get an […]
Exodus 26, Proverbs 2, Psalm 74
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Exodus 26, Proverbs 2, and Psalm 74. This devotional is about Proverbs 2. The end of Proverbs 1 described wisdom as a woman wandering the streets offering her blessing to anyone who wanted it. Here in Proverbs 2, Solomon told his son that he, Solomon, […]
Exodus 1, Job 18, Psalm 49
Rumble | YouTube | SermonAudio | Calvary Bible Church Read Exodus 1, Job 18, and Psalm 49. This devotional is about Exodus 1. A few years ago, Mary Doogan of Glasgow, Scotland retired after 30 years as a midwife. During her career, she helped women deliver 5000 babies. Her retirement, however, was not something she […]
Genesis 29, Esther 5, Psalm 28
Read Genesis 29, Esther 5, and Psalm 28. This devotional is about Genesis 29. Laban may have thought himself to be very clever. He managed to get 14 years of work and marry off both of his daughters at the same time. Everyone else, however, suffered in this situation, but no one suffered more than […]
Genesis 26, Esther 2, Psalm 25
Read Genesis 26, Esther 2, and Psalm 25. This devotional is about Genesis 26. The cliché, “like father, like son” became a cliché because it is true. Children are reproductions of their parents, not just physical reproductions but reproductions in many other ways. Although each of us has characteristics that are unique and different from […]